Coaching that will change your life.
Exodus 4: 2
To Moses it was only a ‘rod’ but to God it was a tool for life changing miracles!
Moses had excuses. He had doubts, fears and insecurities but God had a plan!
It's time to deal with and eliminate the doubts, fears or insecurities in your life too because God has a plan for your life!
So I want to ask you the same question....
Let’s start shaping it and working it into a lifetime
of purpose and success!
Let's Meet!
Professional Certified Christian Life Coach (Professional Christian Coaches Institute). Wife. Mother. Minister to Women, Pastor's wife. Women's & Young Adults' Bible Teacher. Christian Motivational Speaker. Mentor, Creative Arts: Writer, Coach, Producer. Founder and Publisher of former Christian Women’s Magazine - Beautiful One Magazine and Radio Internet Get Real Talk Show Host. Youth and Young Adults Minister. Counselor (NANC Counseling),
I have spent most of my life helping people of all ages and different walks of life understand true identity and life purpose.
I’m grateful to be experiencing and fulfilling my own personal calling and purpose through so many wonderful venues God has provided me with over the years. I've had the privilege of living what I call 'out loud' and loving all that I've learned about myself and others through the journey. I know I still have so much more to live and to give and I'm excited to be doing some of that with you!
Career/Life Path
I coach people in helping them grasp and embrace fully, their true identity in Christ, their original design including their gifts, skills and passion so that they will thrive in the work, ministry and purposes God has established uniquely for them to accomplish.
I coach people towards maintaining and establishing healthy, meaningful and lasting relationships and helping them navigate through challenging or unhealthy ones.
I coach Leaders and Volunteers who work in various fields of ministry. My coaching and mentoring is vision, goals and success oriented based. Whether it's coaching them in ministry areas or personal spiritual formation areas or relationship conflict-resolution, I help move them forward towards positive change and productive living through biblical tools and encouragement within the areas of need.
Spiritual Journey/Mentorship
I coach and mentor people via one on one, and in small life groups into deeper relationship with God; in helping them establish a daily, consistent, life changing foundation from which they will grow and mature in their own personal faith journey.
I coach people who struggle with understanding who God created them to be. I help them move forward from their past, become free from strongholds and sin into a life of freedom and purpose in Christ.